The team that works with the Plough is independent, intuitive and assertive. If a new situation arises, they have the skills, experience and latitude from management to make real decisions on the ground to keep the job moving and downtime to a minimum.
If you have a low staff turnover and generally run the same crew on every job, the video can be driven by interviews with the Plough team rather than purely management.
This would have the benefit of introducing potential customers to the team before they arrive on a job-site and reinforce their qualifications and experience for the client as well as their authority in the industry.
GDC covers a wide range of services including but not limited to:
Siteworks (residential and commercial)
Heavy Haulage Transport
Heavy Supply Transport
Directional Drilling
Utility Detection
The video should have a short, punchy segment at the beginning (5-7 seconds) with exciting and engaging shots of the other aspects of GDC. This will serve to establish GDC as an authority in the industry and subtly advertise the company as a whole.
It will also give the viewer an idea of what to expect. I.e 'this is a video about earthworks etc.'
Video Intro Example 0-15 seconds
Light Rock
Traditional Corporate
What is it?
GDC Company Introduction
Installation Process
Product Concerns
Terrain/Job site Requirements
Existing services
What is it?
What is it?
What does it replace
Brief history of design
Where can you work? (travel all over south island)
This introduces the machine and indicates what is it used for and how it came to exist
Approximate Shot List
Wide Shot of Machine
Traditional open trench with pipe in middle
Greg designing
Greg showing rough drawings of previous versions
Montage of Dozer on truck driving with various backgrounds
What size of cable/service can you do?
What size duct can you plough?
What products can be installed?
How do you lay out the cable?
What offset can it do?
What separation is between products?
This shows each different configuration of the machine and explains the sort of products that can be installed
Rob? (depending on
smoothness in front
of camera)
Approximate Shot List
​Shots of each machine configuration
Shots of different products on the reels
Shots of different cable arrangements going over the top of the plough
Shots of plough in different locations, power, water, fibre etc
Installation Process
How do you lay out the cable?
Wide Shot of Machine
Arrival on site
Site overview
Product installation on plough
Pilot Hole Dug
Underground process (possible through animation)
Approximate Shot List
Whole plough team
This shows the steps involved in the process.
Site inspection​
Existing Service location
Pilot hole dug
cables installed in plough
Casing truck setup
Ploughing Cable
How can you protect the service from ground conditions?
What do you use to bed the cable?
This shows the different casings available to the client and how it is poured/packed around the cable
The installation of tape above the product can be included here
Mixer driver
Conveyor belt operator
Approximate Shot List
Wide Shot of mixer​​
Mid shots of each different casing
Shots of each casing going into the hopper (nice but not essential)
Shots showing the casing being installed along with the pipe
Shots of the tape being installed
Product Concerns
Is there any pressure on the cable when ploughing?
Does the service/cable get stretched?
Plough driver
May need the whole
This shows there is no compression pressure on the cable and very little tension place on the product though the whole plough process
Approximate Shot List
Shot of the team pulling the cable over the top by hand, showing there is little resistance from cable reels at front.
Shot showing the relatively shallow installation radius through the plough/ripper tail itself.
Terrain/Job Site Requirements
What sort of terrain can it handle?
Can you go around corners/radius’s?
Using drone shots and ground base d shots to show the terrain style and requirements for ploughing
Showing how the machine can turn tight radius
Initial Site Inspector
Whole Plough Team
Approximate Shot List
Wide drone shots establishing fields, streams, hills etc that the plough can work over
Medium and close up shots of the soil types, rock size and any obstacles/gaps in fences
Overhead drone shots can show the radius of the entire machine turning. Graphics could be used to reinforce the exact radius
Ground shots can show closeups of the actual machine pivoting.
Existing Services
How do you get around services?
How do you go through roads?
This shows the process of working around an existing service that crosses the path of the Plough
Plough Team
Mini Digger Driver
Detector Operator
Approximate Shot List
Shots of team locating and digging out service in initial job setup
Shots of plough pulling into hole dug around cable and plough lifting out
Shots of service being cut, product passed through and service reinstated.
Plough then being reinserted and continuing
While not included in the initial list of FAQ's from Greg, the aspects below stood out while talking with the Plough Crew.
Plough Team
Does the plough team have a wide background in various industries?
How does this enable them to understand, anticipate and accommodate the needs of various clients?
On-site Innovation
What happens when the plough needs to be modified or new parts developed for a new situation/job requirement?
Is the plough reliable?
Why did you choose the GDC Plough?
What were you most surprised about?
Will you use it again?
Can we get a client to talk about how they dont have to stress about the installation process as they trust the team?